Genre: Children's Fantasy & Magic
4 Stars
Entertaining and simply magical
What a magical story in The Maker-Man of Merryville by Pete Mesling. I have become a fan of this author! I haven't read work from this author before, and I enjoyed this story. The characters were interesting and very believable, and simply just full of magic, so they can get to a world where they have no idea what lies ahead. We have Gilbert and his friend Sarah, looking to find something ... a bit of joy to their mundane town. Gilbert is an intriguing character, and very realistic. This is a great story for world building and trying to find that simple joy in life when it is indeed lacking. The Maker-Man of Merryville is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.
#4Stars #Mesling #ABSR #storytelling #reviews #reviewsmatter #ABSRReviewsMatter #OtherKingdomsPublishing #KittyBerryBookTours
