Genre: Crime/Thriller/Human Hunter
5 Stars
What a Brilliantly written story in The Portable Nine by Pete Mesling. This story kind of reminds me of Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game." I know this type of story can be very popular, but what I loved about Mesling's story is that it was about hunting humans, but there were a lot of layers to it. There were a lot of twists and turns, and Mesling's Davenport was something else, that's for sure. He is known as the hunter, and called the Mad Marksman of Malta. A huge twist comes into his life, when the portable nine comes together, and things definitely change. It's a well-written story, and the characters, all of them, have their own personality, morals and ethics, and they focus on what needs to be done. Murder, Mayhem, and revenge. The recipe for great storytelling. I only read one other book by this author, which was a children's story, and I found how talented this multi-genre author is. It’s definitely un-put-downable! This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn't put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. Masterfully written! This author not only tells the story but shows it with words as well. I hope to read more books by this author. The Portable Nine is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
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