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Ryuho Okawa - The Essence of Buddha: The Path to Enlightenment


5 Stars

A read I needed

The Essence of Buddha: The Path to Enlightenment by Ryuho Okawa was exactly a read that I needed. I was looking for a book about Buddha's teachings, and I found this one. This book set a path toward enlightenment, with Budda's travels being explained and how he, himself, found it. I don't agree with all of his journeys and ideals of leaving everything, including family behind to achieve it. I did find the Eightfold path, Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration. I was looking for something that can help me deal with physical and emotional pain, and though I am not Buddhist, I found that much of the information was extremely helpful. I know that his teachings have been around for centuries, and some still practice his teachings. It was the one thing I was looking for as I was trying to find something to keep faith and beliefs, without wanting something in return. This was my personal read, but I do recommend it to those, even if you're not interested in Buddha, you could be interested in some of the journey on the path to enlightenment. I just wanted my soul to feel better.


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