Illustrator: Sally Lee Baker
Genre: Children/Educational
4 Stars
Zz Zack the Zebra
What a fun and "zany" story in Zach the Zany Zebra by Sally Lee Baker. I am a big fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. The book was fun to read. I like the alliterations, and rhymes, and it is perfect for reading to children, and having them read aloud. This book was about the letter Z. The character of Zach was imaginative. I applaud the author for the creating of such magnificent illustrations. It's very educational and fun to read. I thought the story was very fun and entertaining. Zach the Zany Zebra is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author. This children's author is simply amazing.
#4Stars #Baker #AlphabeticalAlliterativeStories #Vol26 #ABSR #Children #storytelling #reviews #reviewsmatter #ABSRreviewsmatter
