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Savannah Kade - Crash & Burn

4 Stars

Hot & Steamy, yet thrilling

What an interesting romance story in Crash & Burn by Savannah Kade. As you may tell from the title, this is a romance story with firemen, and Kade is a very good writer that adds uniqueness to the story. It's not just a boy meets girl, loses girl, gets girl back. It is way different than that. Maggie is a great character, and even though in the beginning, Sebastian loses his chance to go out with her, he is still in her life. Now, Maggie, has a lot of baggage, and plenty of secrets, that can lead danger right to her doorstep. This author brings the story to life. The characters had a lot of depth and were very real. I read a lot of stories, and I love the different writing styles and storytelling abilities. This author had a unique writing style, and it's not just fluff and romance, it's drama and intrigue as well. Kade indeed can tell stories. This author has a great imagination. The characters are so engrossing. I have fast become a big fan of Kade. Crash & Burn is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more titles by this author.


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