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She Said. He Said by M.G. Crisci

4 Stars

A unique "romance" story

Crisci pens a unique romance story in She Said. He Said, as it is more intriguing, and quite a thriller. I've read Crisci's work before, and this is my favorite. Crisci definitely develops his characters, giving them a great chemistry and a connection that is far more than it sounds. This story delves into the corporate world, with the dare I say "trend" of sexual harassment, however, it does not quite play out as expected. The characters, especially Martin. He was a very human character, put in an uncomfortable situation, to say the least, and had to figure out how to deal with it. She Said. He Said is a book that is entertaining, and enjoyable, and thought-provoking. I liked the way the chapters gave insight into what was about to happen. This is a good story, so much more than I predicted. I look forward to reading more by this author.


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