Full Title: Alternative Ulster Noir: Northern Irish Crime Stories Inspired by Northern Irish Music with Contributing Authors: Kelly Creighton, Colin Bateman, James Murphy, Sharon Dempsey, Gerard Brennan, Stuart Neville, Simon Maltman
Genre: Short Stories/Culture/Music
5 Stars
A Grand Collection of Stories
What a wonderful idea for a collection. Gather writers and tell them to write a Northern Irish Crime story, that is also based on Northern Irish Music. And, indeed, what stories these writers tell. Each writer had their own story, with their own writing style. Under the title is the title of the song and group/person/band who wrote the song. And so, after I read the story, I also looked up the song, and listened to that as well. I really liked the songs that I heard, and I can see how the writers were inspired. Each story was brought to life, with the in depth, charming, intriguing characters. I really liked this collection. The title drew me in, but the stories made me stay. I applaud each and every writer and hope to read more from these writers in the future. Alternative Ulster Noir: Northern Irish Crime Stories Inspired by Northern Irish Music is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I hope to read more books by this author. I read this book and give my honest and unbiased review.
#5Stars #Maltman #Creighton #Bateman #Murphy #Dempsey #Brennan #Neville #ABSR #storytelling #reviews #reviewsmatter #ABSRReviewsMatter #HenryRoi #StoneoftheHound
