Full Title: Soul in the Storm: Stress Management through Mindfulness and Inner Transformation by Nancy Wagaman
5 Stars
A piece of Peace
Wagaman pens a motivational and mindful title in Soul in the Storm: Stress Management through Mindfulness and Inner Transformation. This book is best to be read by anyone who wants to find that little bit of peace. I got it on my reading list at just the right time. The title definitely fits this book, and it's not just about managing stress, but finding something inside yourself. Wagaman writes, "“Soul” may not be the real or best name for soul. I call it “soul” here, but you can call it anything that resonates with you: essence, Divine self, the “I” of “I am,” “the higher me,” or something else..." So whatever you call it, its within this book, and yourself. I really liked this book, and could resonate with the perspective of the author. Since the world is in a pandemic chaotic stage, a new "normal" so to speak, this is a read to help gain some type of peace, even a little bit of faith. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
