4 Stars
Secrets and love, an interesting read!
Street of Dreams by Galicki is the fourth book in the multi-author series, The Road To Rocktoberfest. Galicki pens a grand story in Street of Dreams. The story revolves around Reid and Jake, an interesting connection, as they grew up together, but couldn't come from more different lives. Secrets and hidden feelings, escape is the only way out. I like this story and how it not only blends in the music theme of the series, but also culture clashes, and secrecy of love, something that should never have to happen. I can't wait to read the next book, and I do like how the authors were able to weave out these stories so they are related, but also can be standalone stories. This is the first book by Galicki that I've read, and I look forward to reading many more stories by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
