5 Stars
A remarkable paranormal story!!
What a remarkable story in Tarja Titan by TC Marti. I have just become a big fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I will read. I really like Tarja, and in the beginning, the reader learns a bit about her, and what people around her think of her, and how she is treated. At first, it reminds me of how Cinderella was treated, and of course, Tarja is different, so that lends to her being plied with medication. Tarja has a gift where everyone around her thinks she's out of her mind, or just doesn't want to try to explain the unexplainable. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It’s definitely un-put-downable! Not only is Tarja, herself, a gift, and has a great (or more) gifts, she is often abused. She is definitely in trouble, but only because of her family, not her so-called hallucinations. It's a raw and dramatic story, that shows that different doesn't mean mental illness. Then insert Tarja's guardians, and it goes magnificently from there. "“Janet,” I stand, running a finger down my sword flat, “here’s how this is going to play out. Either you tell me why Tarja had to resort to spirits destroying the house, a Summoning by the looks of it, or I’m going to conjure a tornado from my sword tip and rip this house off its freaking foundation. Take your pick.” Between third and first person, the story is masterfully written! I can't wait for what will happen next. Tarja is definitely an unforgettable character. Tarja Titan is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more books by this author.
