4 Stars
Great sequel
McMillan pens a grand sci-fi story in The Lost Temple of Phoketh. This is the second book in McMillan's Loren Alaysia, Galactic Vigilante series. I have read work from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. This story relates to the first one, and though you could probably read this without reading the first story, Arc of The Hellion, I recommend that read as well. Loren Alaysia is an interesting and unique character. Yes, she's a vigilante, but she's so much more, sometimes teetering on the edge of justice and outlaw. It's another action-packed journey in the galaxy, with more twists and turns, and definite surprises in this story. The thrills and intrigue is written clearly and the characterizations are engrossing. This author has such a grand imagination. What a fantastical and magical read! I look forward to reading many more stories by this author. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews definitely recommends this story.
