Full Title: THE 'PEYTON PLACE' MURDER: The True Crime Story Behind The Novel That Shocked The Nation by Renee Mallett
5 Stars
Unimaginable true story!
Mallett pens a true crime story in THE 'PEYTON PLACE' MURDER: The True Crime Story Behind The Novel That Shocked The Nation. I haven't read work from this author before, and this book really intrigued me. It's a unique true crime novel, and is very compelling. This book gives a lot of information about what they call "THE 'PEYTON PLACE' MURDER," and the lives behind the crimes, the life of author Grace Metalious (who wrote the 1956 novel Peyton Place), and the life of Barbara Roberts, who killed her father in 1946. This case rocked the small New England town, because her father wasn't just murdered, he was buried in their pig pen. This book is an interesting take on how the story and history of the crime, combined, as Mallet brings the story to the surface. THE 'PEYTON PLACE' MURDER: The True Crime Story Behind The Novel That Shocked The Nation is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.