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The Sebastian Chronicles by TL Travis

5 Stars

Remarkable Vampiric stories

Travis pens great stories in The Sebastian Chronicles, as they are a series of novelettes. I always enjoy a story by this author, and I do think (at least right now) that this is my favorite. I find Sebastian interesting and very intriguing. Travis always tells a good story, and this is definitely a remarkable conception of inception. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. Sebastian's memories are filled with ups and downs, heart breaks, aches and fulfillment. It is always a joy to read this author's stories. This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller. I am a fan of Travis's work, as the plot that contains eroticism, is written well, and not every author can pull that off. This is a mix of vampiric paranormal and erotic, and grand story telling. Fate can be an interesting anomaly. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.


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