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The Tritonus Venture by Daniel McMillan


5 Stars

Fast forward to 2066!!!

McMillan pens a wonderfully written story in The Tritonus Venture. I have read work from this author before, and I really like whatever McMillan writes. I was interested in the title, and what exactly it meant, so I looked up Tritonus, and interestingly enough, it means "a musical interval composed of three whole tones." So, with that in mind, I read the story. I liked being "fast-forwarded" to 2066. I always wondered what life would be like then, and this story led me there, and I'm not sure, with everything on the line for survival, and the past filled with wars, such as the Global commerce war was over, there were options for how tp preserve and restore oceans and reefs. Hale is an interesting character, with a lot of depth, and seems to have a lot of intelligence, and knows what he's doing, at least that is the hope. Hale also seems to be focused, and keeps his emotions in check, almost that he appears cold and stoic. The story had multiple characters, and various levels of plots and subplots, and yet, there was a connection, even if the connection was with the empty nature environment. What I like about McMillan's stories is that they are unpredictable, just when you think you got it, there is that twist, or perspective of one of the characters, that changes the trajectory of the story. This author has a great imagination and I'm glad it's being shared with stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! This author not only tells the story but shows it with words as well. The Tritonus Venture is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.


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