5 Stars
Very powerful, and magnificent conflicted emotional story!
What a raw and intense story in Shadow’s Light by TL Travis. I am a big fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. I love reading Travis' work, and Shadow's Light shows the story of the relationship between Lucas and Shadow. The reader gets to know both sides of their story, and from the beginning, the reader instantly can see a deep conflict (and that's putting it lightly) between Shadow and Stoli, and then through Joey into the mix, and his previous involvement with Lucas, and it definitely wasn't pretty. It is a very interesting story to follow along with, seeing the relationships, and being reminded of the past, and the heartbreak that still stings. More like "heart ripped out of chest" burning. I've read other books in the Maiden Voyage series, and I must say this is probably my favorite. Filled with secrets, haunting pasts, and conflicted and down-right hurtful relationships, this story is filled with greatness, and great writing. I do like what Lucas said, and it resonated with me, "If I could erase my past, I would do it in a heartbeat. Every. Last. Bit. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a giant eraser." If you love a good, scratch that, great MM title, this book should be next on your list. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. Shadow’s Light is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more books by this author.
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