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Updated Review: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Original review posted in 2017. Updated Review.

5 Stars

Whitman is a genius

If you have the chance to read Whitman do it. He was a man well before his

time. He was always true to himself. His words painted a beautiful picture of how he saw the world. From love to nature to majesty he wrote about the world. He wasn't afraid to write and write about feelings. Worth the second and third read. Keep this on your reading list indefinitely. Whitman is definitely my favorite, and I love his poetry, and the fact that he wasn't afraid to be himself. His work always inspires me, so if you love reading the classics, this is a great book to start with. Introduce yourself to Walt Whitman, and yes, this book has been on many of the banned, and burned books list. His books have been burned since he first published his works, and just because they were about his feelings, and lovers.

This book is on a list of banned books.

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