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Featured Author: Karl Beckstrand

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

Q: In one sentence, tell me something that describes you as a person?

A: I am a paradox (a normal person with conflicting desires and attitudes).

Q: How many books have you written? How many of those are published?

A: Of the 27 or so books written, 19 have been published.

Q: Do you have an upcoming release? If yes, tell me the title and impending release date.

A: The Bridge of the Golden Wood: A Parable on How to Earn a Living (Aug. 2017)

Q: Tell me about how you come up with your titles for your stories. Do you create the title before or after you write the book, and does it ever change from the initial title?

A: Sometimes the title comes first; sometimes it comes after I’ve written the story. For The Bridge of the Golden Wood, I had an idea what it would be as I wrote the title. Sometimes I get input from fans/friends on a potential title.

Q: Out of all your characters in all of your books, who/what (sometimes a setting can also be an important “character”) do you think is the most interesting and why?

A: Definitely Anna Anderson from my non-fiction book Anna’s Prayer (Anna was my great aunt) –three reasons: 1. It’s an amazing story 2. It’s a true story 3. She is family to me.

Q: If you could “create” your own genre of what you write, what would you call your books?

A: Quirky books with diverse characters

Q: Without quoting your back cover synopsis, tell me about the last book you published.

A: A creative kid finds that helping others helps himself.

Q: Tell me something about yourself that is separate from writing.

A: I love volleyball and Kayaking (not at the same time). I’ve been a lead singer in a couple of bands. No matter how many achievements I have, I struggle with self-doubt, fears, and (at the same time) self-absorption.

Q: Who is your favorite Author?

A: Just one?? I love history, so anything by David McCoullugh is ideal. Other authors I love: Tolkien, Harper Lee, C.S. Lewis, Clancy, Grisham, Shel Silverstein

Q: What is the last book that you read? (Not counting anything you wrote)

A: Washington by Douglas S. Freeman (abridged by Richard Harwell)

Q: When writing, do you have a system or something you plan, or do you just write?

A: I get ambushed by ideas that won’t leave me alone until I give them life.

Q: Why do you write?

A: [see above]

Q: Do you read your own work a lot? If so, what does it do for you?

A: Only to other people who ask (well, I read it a lot prior to publishing!).

Q: What is your favorite type of music? Is there one genre (or song, band etc...) that brings out your creativeness more than others?

A: I love classic rock, but what’s most inspiring is choral music (Russian, sacred, gospel)

Q: As an author, I find that the hardest thing to write (for me) is the synopsis that will be on the back cover or book’s description. When you write, what is the hardest line to write, the first line, the last line or the synopsis for the book?

A: Probably the synopsis (it evolves—a lot—over time as I perfect the hook).

Q: Any final thoughts that you want to give to your fans or even future authors?

A: Yes, it’s important to read, but get out and travel—see the real world!

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