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Indie Authors & Me

Amy Shannon

This is a reminder post that my blog has deemed July 2017

Indie Author Appreciation month. In July, I will showcase different nominated Indie authors and their work. I think it is important to appreciate those who are just starting out.

I am an author, and Indie author, but I consider myself a storyteller slash writer. Writing is what I do best, and I write the stories that I like to tell. I use this blog to support other authors and promote my own work. I'm not nor have I ever been a "best selling" author for any medium, but I like to write and share my stories. I would write if I never had another book sale or another person who wanted to read my work.

Street Team:

I am looking for a few someones who may want to join my "street" team. I have tried this concept before, and had yet to get one volunteer. It would consist of someone who would want to read my work (past and current), share my posts about my work or other announcements, do beta reads, and write reviews for any of my stories that were read. If you are interested in reading any, some or even all (I provide the books for free), feel free to email me at and write "Street Team" in subject line.


If you're a fan, you can also email me at and write whatever you want, and yes, I will reply. Readers can also follow me on Twitter @amyshan_author or like my Facebook page

I also run Amy's Bookshelf Reviews and post my reviews on that blog, a Facebook page, Twitter, Google Plus, and online book sites (,, Smashwords, Kobo, as well as other requested sites from the author).

All authors deserve the chance to be read. Not everyone can write, and some publish things that aren't ready to be read, but there are more authors/writers/storytellers that deserve a chance to be read. So, read that book from that "unknown" author and take the chance. Don't judge a book by its cover or because the author's name is some one you don't recognize. It will take you into a whole new world of stories.

Amy Shannon


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