Chantelle Atkins nominated Kate Rigby as an Indie Author who deserves appreciation and acknowledgement of her work. I am pleased to present this author a showcase blog post.
Author Bio:
Kate Rigby was born near Liverpool and now lives in the south west of England. The influence of Liverpool has informed much of her writing, especially her novel ‘Suckers n Scallies’ - a gritty piece that plays with form, viewpoint, and timeline. Her very first novel ‘Did You Whisper Back?’ was largely set on Merseyside.
From the author:
“Many thanks to Any Shannon for her generosity and her enduring support of indie authors. I’m what’s known as a hybrid author – I had one book traditionally published, back in the day, several published by a number of small press and for the last few years, I’ve gone the indie route. It’s a scary thought to think I’ve been writing for nearly 40 years. I’ve lost count of the exact number of books I’ve written, but it’s somewhere in the teens.
Summer is usually a quiet time but a lot of exciting things are happening at the moment, including being nominated to be showcased here!” – Kate Rigby
Little Guide to Unhip was also chosen to get a brand new cover by a professional designer later this month.
And later in the year, one of Rigby’s risqué short stories will again appear in an anthology, this time of similar ‘Sexcapades’, where all monies will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
Rigby writes, “I’m also nearing the end of my latest book which I began in 2005. It’s about a neighbourhood dispute and an all too familiar situation we all dread – having our peace and lifestyle shattered. The situation is, however, much more complex than it first appears, so that just who are the victims and who the perpetrators becomes blurred. But because there are other strands interweaved in the story, a lot of the contemporary stuff from 2005 became hopelessly out of date. So it now begins in 2012/13. It’s a book set against the backdrop of austerity and cuts. I think I’ve more or less decided on the title, but that may change again!
I really hope to get it out this year as I want to get on with other books – including a follow up to Down the Tubes and also I have other Little Guides in my head and much more.”
A note from Author Amy Shannon: I have had the privilege of reading and reviewing Rigby's work. For a list of my reviews of her work, go to
Website links:
Amazon author page: