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Amy Shannon

Review Showcase: The Curse of Ormshire by SL Perrine

SL Perrine's title "The Curse of Ormshire" came in at number 12 in the Best Indie Books Title of 2018

This book was reviewed by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

5 Stars

A fantastical story

The book intrigued me when this book was nominated Best Indie Titles of 2018 awards on my author blog, and the author was nice enough to share the story with me for a review. Perrine pens a wonderfully fantasical story in The Curse of Ormshire. I've read Perrine's work before, and after reading this, I will add more of her books to my list, including the one that came before this. I wasn't lost in this book by not having read the first one. I like Perrine's writing style and how she tells a story. The characters are maginifcent and have great depth. It's a story that I didn't want to put down. The characters's adventures brings the reader up and down on a mystery, pushing through tragedy and high emotions. I look forward to reading more by this author.


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