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Amy Shannon

Review Showcase (For Author): Fire's Song by J. E. Mueller

J. E. Mueller came in at number 5 for the Best Indie Authors of 2018.

This book was reviewed by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

4 Stars


The book intrigued me when the author was nominated Best Indie Author of 2018 awards on my author blog, and the author was nice enough to share the story with me for a review. Mueller pens a wonderful story in Fire's Song. It's an easy read, but its filled with great conflict and twists that lend to the story. The plot is very easy to follow and adds grand adventure to the characters. The characters all have some sort of power, and they each have their own personality and depth of character. This is the first book of Mueller's that I've read, but I will definitely read more. All in all, a great read.


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