Readers can nominate their favorite Indie Book of 2019. Nominations starts on 11/1/19 and runs through 12/01/2019. After the nominations, voting will start on December 2 and run through December 15. Nominations sent prior to 11/9 will NOT count, and be automatically deleted.
This year, nominations can only be done via "email" write-in. Send an email to writeramyshannon@gmail.com
In the subject, write Best Indie Book 2019 Nomination
In the body of the email, write the title of the book, author of the book, genre of the book and tell me why you think it deserves to be put on my top 20. Also, (if you have it) send me contact information for the author, such as social media, email or website information.
Authors cannot nominate their own work. A running list of all authors and their book title that get nominated will be posted on my blog on the voting page.
When voting commences on December 2, there will be a voting page on my blog with a list of all the nominees. Stay tuned, and subscribe to my blog, so you won't miss a post or any information I provide my own work or those very special Indie Authors, I wholeheartedly support.
Nomination details http://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/amyshannonblog/showcase-nomination
BIB (Best Indie Book list of 2019) to be filled in after contest. http://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/amyshannonblog/bib-2019