5 Stars
A whole new story in New Orleans
Hearst pens an excellent story in Highball and Chain. I have read work from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. I read the "mafia comedy" that came before this one. Though this story is different, I always recommend readers read the series in order. Even though they are different stories, with different characters, the previous story always sets the tone for the next one, and so on. The characters had a lot of depth, and were very realistic. Enzo is in a bit of a bind, and it starts with who he is and who is family is. This is a remarkable story, with different types of characters, from different lives, and how they connect is so interesting, and written seamlessly. This author has a great imagination and I'm glad it's being shared with stories. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! This story captures the reader's attention at chapter 1. Highball and Chain is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.
