Karl Beckstrand and Ransom Wilcox- To Swallow the Earth: A Western Thriller
Genre: Western Thriller
4 Stars
Adventurous and Intriguing read
What an adventurous "western" story in To Swallow the Earth: A Western Thriller by Karl Beckstrand and Ransom Wilson. I am a big fan of Beckstrand and found that he can write different genres of stories and do it very well. This story is supposed to be geared to young adults, but I found it was an interesting and intriguing read that many adults would like as well. These authors brings the story to life. Sometimes with two authors, it is easy to see where one (no matter which one) leaves off and another begins, but that is not the case with this story. The writing styles mesh and there aren't any gaps in the story. The story has a diversified set of characters, and though it's supposed to be like a classic western, the authors put their spin on the story, which makes this story great. Wade and Patricia are really interesting characters and bring life to this character driven story. I love it when a Legacy author sends me more of their work! The story brings the reader on a superb journey. To Swallow the Earth: A Western Thriller is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by these authors. I read this book to give my unbiased and honest review. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews recommends that anyone who reads this book, to also write a review.
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