Karl Beckstrand - Ma MacDonald Flees the Farm: It's Not a Pretty Picture ... Book
Illustrator: Alycia Mark
Genre: Children/Picture Book
4 Stars
A laugh out loud fun read!
Beckstrand pens a funny and entertaining story in Ma MacDonald Flees the Farm: It's Not a Pretty Picture ... Book. Ma Macdonald is a caterer, but she's having a heck of a time with the animals that just won't leave her alone. The illustrations were magnificent. This book would be perfect to read to a child or have the child read it back. It's fun to read, and very enjoyable. The rhyming makes it fun, but even just looking at the pictures, tells the story. "A poodle in the strudel. A lemure in the lentils ..." yes, it's funny and it's no wonder that she wants to flee. Ma MacDonald Flees the Farm: It's Not a Pretty Picture ... Book is a definite recommendation from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
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