Genre: children medieval fantasy
4 Stars
Another great adventure
What a grand sequel in Revenge of Queen Rose by Valinora Troy. I am a fan of this author! This is the second book in the Lucky Diamond series, and I hope there will be more to come. Again, we meet the twins, Cathy and Alan, and their life is once again full of excitement, danger and adventure. It's an interesting world created by Troy, and how these characters fit right in, even if it's a fantastical world of mystery, and diamonds, and of course, the Queen. It was a fun adventure, and there was growth within the characters, which adds to the story that has more than one layer of story. Revenge of Queen Rose is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I read this book, giving my honest and unbiased review. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.
#4Stars #Troy #LuckyDiamond #Vol2 #ABSR #storytelling #Childrenfantasy #reviewsmatter #ABSRReviewsMatter #JuneKidsYA #ABSRGenreMonth
