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July is Indie Author Appreciation Month

Amy Shannon

I have been getting wonderful emails filled with nominations for Indie Authors. I have pretty much accepted anyone who was nominated, and I am only setting a limit of 25 authors, and I am accepting nominations until June 30 2017. Also, any one person can nominate up to 3 authors.

Along with the nominations, I am offering to authors (who I have not reviewed for, and who is not on any of my TBR lists) to submit a request for a review with just an email. The review probably won't coincide with the blog post, but it will be added to my VIP list rather than my normal Primary list of reviews. My book Review Blog is “Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews” and that’s where I post all my book reviews, as well on my Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews Facebook page (and I post reviews on, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, Kobo, Smashwords, and share my links on Google Plus and Twitter). I also post on other sites as requested. Any nominated author (and you know who you are) can email me at and write "Indie Review Request."

If you are an author who has a book on my Primary TBR list (or waiting list either for 2018 or 2017), send me a note and I'll move your book to the VIP list (this does NOT count for those awaiting a release date, as I can't post until the book has been released).

Thank you all who have participated, and those who have yet to participate, but will indeed participate. Also, if you have not done so, feel free to subscribe to both my author blog and my book review blog links are below.

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