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Writers: Frustration & Self Doubt.

Amy Shannon

When I say I was born this way, it's something I truly mean. I am a writer, and I truly care about human beings. As a person, a writer, I get frustrated, sometimes with myself, and sometimes with the world.

It is disheartening when i hear or see others put themselves down, have so little self-esteem, that they doubt who they are entirely. I find that sad, and heartbreaking. I have never doubted my whole person. I've done things that I regret, heck, I've written stories and look back and not be happy with the storyline, but I love the journey that writing takes me.

Sometimes, I go through my Facebook newsfeed, and review statuses or posts, or sharing links. I'm sure most people who have a Facebook page do the same thing. Sometimes I'm more interested and click on it to go further, and other times, it's just a read and scroll.

When it comes to writers and authors, I belong to a few groups, and have a lot of authors or writers (and I don't think they are necessarily the same thing, but they can be), that are on my friend's list or follow me (or I follow them) on other social media sites. We follow, we like, we tweet, we retweet, we share, and we move on.

I am extending my hand to Indie authors who need some uplifting. When there is that self doubt.

When publishing, authors and writers believe that they will get sales, authors and writers believe that people will read their work, and authors and writers believe that everyone will like what they wrote. That is not the real world.

My advice is to not let sales define your success. Let your work lend to your success. If you need help, especially when self doubt or frustration set in, feel free to reach out to me.

I've been doing this a long time, before self-publishing was Indie publishing. Before Indie publishing was a "credible" market of authors. I've had ups and downs, good sales, bad sales, and the one thing that lacks is the reviews my work get. I don't go out and look for reviews vigilantly because I am usually working on my own writing projects or reviewing other's work. My reviews never match my sales, either.

Anyway, sometimes, we just need someone to listen, to offer advice, or to help see what we may be missing in our own work. I'm offering my hand. We can connect via email, contact me at

Sometimes we all just need someone to listen. If you have questions, want advice, just ask.

If you need something more tangible, we can discuss that as well.


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