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Poem Showcase: A Distant Prayer by Will Mayo

Amy Shannon

A Distant Prayer

Children of the night come forth from every alleyway and streetwise shelter. where nuns ring the bell for a mass that never follows.

and hermits set up shop on every sidewalk vending place. hoping to make a few bucks but much rathering be left alone.

old men walk around in a daze, never seeing, never really daring. simply choosing to parse their riddles in one word or less.

knights without swords or armor to shield the silver wander, too, singing verses of that which they once knew but no longer live to forget.

women without names hold the answer. for five bucks and a ten (a vial also), they'll sell their souls to hold a tale hidden in their hearts.

send up then a distant prayer for the children of the night. they alone know that which lives atwixt the light and the dark.

Copyright @Will Mayo 2017


A poem from the book: Roadmaps of the Mind

Published by Southern Owl Publications, LLC


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