If you're an author who is looking for reviews, here are just a few tips based on my experience as an author and a review. First, do your research on the reviewer. On my home page of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, I have a few links to online reviewer directories, where I am also listed. Make sure the
reviewer is credible. Read reviews that he or she has written, and make sure the reviewer actually reads the genre you write in. Find out where the reviewer posts the reviews.
OK, so you picked a reviewer. Now what? If the reviewer has rules, policies or whatever, follow them to the letter. If the reviewer accepts your review request, make sure you send the type of format of the book that is requested. Each reviewer may vary. Also, when you send the ARC to the reviewer, make sure it is "read ready". Personally, if a book is full of typos or has terrible formatting, I'll send it back to the author.
Also, if you have a question for the reviewer, just ask, never assume. If the reviewer doesn't give you a time frame, ask what it is. I used to give time frames, now I just publicize my TBR lists and release calendars, that way the authors can get a sense of where their title may fall on my Bookshelves.
Indie Authors looking to have their work reviewed, see my blog for more details. http://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/bookshelfreviews