If you're a frequent reader, you'll realize that I have been doing a lot of posting about banned books, so much so that my review website, Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has added a banned book list page, and a banned book bookshelf to its Amy's Library.
This blog has also added a new paged, dedicated to Burned and Banned books. Any blog post about banned books, will be posted on that page. As I do more research, articles or blog posts will be added, as well as information and citing other sites, and adding those to a list of anti-censorship of books.
There is also the link to the Cafe Press store, where Amy's Bookshelf Reviews images and graphics, and now, the "I read banned books" image products can be bought. Proceeds go to the purchase of banned books.
Currently, there is a list of banned books (some were also burned) and I added links on the banned books (whenever possible) of where they can be bought. Some you may have on your bookshelf. I know I did. And I am slowly buying books, and do have a donation button so I can do that.
Also, if you have a banned book, and you're willing to donate the book, i'd be glad to accept it and make arrangements. When I finish reading the banned books that I am ordering in paperback, I will be either selling them or auctioning them off so I can buy more banned books.
The reviews for the banned books will also be posted on this site and Amy's Bookshelf Reviews site. To authors that may be worried, this is not going to affect any other reviews that are on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews' bookshelves. These books are read on the two days that are taken off from reviews, (Fridays and Saturdays).
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