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Blog Promotion: When It's Winter by Karen A. Wyle

Amy Shannon

Author Name: Karen A. Wyle

Author Website:

Book Genre: Children

Illustrated by Barbara Dessi

Social Media:

Twitter: @KarenAWyle

Instagram: @kawyle

When It's Winter by Karen A. Wyle will be released on October 26th in both Kindle and paperback on Amazon.

Author Bio:

Karen A. Wyle is an author, naturally, and also an attorney (handling civil appeals), a photographer, and a long-married mother of two immensely creative daughters. She lives in a county outside a town in Indiana, between two small dots on the map.

She writes science fiction, historical romance, afterlife fantasy, nonfiction (one reference work, an act of supreme hubris attempting to summarize American law), and picture books -- so far. She reads science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, courtroom drama, biography, history, 18th and 19th century English classics, mysteries, and YA.

Book Title: When It's Winter

About the Book

A snowy winter offers a feast for the senses, and activities for a child to engage in either alone

or with friends. Come inside this book and explore!

(You don't need to bring a dog -- there's already one here.)

The Author's favorite line: "When it's winter, I can make a cloud just by breathing."

Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews favorite line is "when it's winter ... the sun goes to bed before I have to."



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Amy Shannon

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