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Amy Shannon

Happy Holidays and a gift from Amy Shannon & Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

I am gifting all of you a free copy of this book in digital format.

In November of 2021, I released a Special Edition of my book Fractured Tears: A Struggle for Justice. It was only available for that month in digital format only.

I do ask, if any of you would mind writing a review, that you post it on the "regular" book Fractured Tears: A Struggle for Justice on Amazon at

This is my present to all of you who are reading this. You can download this version for free at the following link

This gift will expire January 1 2022.

About Fractured Tears: A Struggle for Justice

Anna Coleman gave her husband one more chance for them to work on fixing what was wrong with their marriage. Ted Coleman used that chance to try to kill her. Anna didn’t give up or give in, she fought to survive, and she fought for justice, as it became a personal struggle. All she wanted was for the justice system to properly punish Ted for what he did to her, and it took a lot of strength, perseverance, and support. 

Read how Anna struggles to fight for justice, and deal with her personal issues from having been betrayed and abused by her husband of 13 years. 

This is a fictionalized version of the real life events of the Author.

Warning: This book contains scenes of domestic violence and may trigger PTSD or not be for some readers. 

This is a special Edition (the regular edition is sold separately). 

At the end of "Anna's" story, I share my story, the "incident" and the truth behind my fight for justice, for myself and my children, and how we rebuilt our life, even though, as the years go by, my physical conditions that I suffered that day, often have created more neurological side effects. Not only do I share my story of that day, but I show the timeline of events, including the struggle for justice, my victim's impact statement, photographs of myself, and an unsent letter I wrote to my husband. Names have been deleted for privacy reasons.

The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Domestic Violence situations

In the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, had created lockdowns, where people were basically "locked" down with their abuser, whether it be a partner or parent who was the abuser. In February 2020, the indications of Domestic Violence trippled based on a comparison of the year before (2/2019). Cities and towns from all across the United States, report increase police calls and arrests because of Domestic Violence increases, some as high as 27%. These are only the numbers that had police calls, where the abuse was reported. In general, in the United States as a whole, domestic violence increated by 8.1% during the pandemic.

So, I hope that you will download the book and read it. It wasn't an easy thing to put on paper, especially with the Special Edition.

Thank you, and Happy Holidays

Amy Shannon


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