I used to be short
Oh, wait, still am
I used to be shorter
I used to be young,
Oh, wait, still act that way
I used to be old
Sometimes I act old
Sometimes I feel old,
Sometimes, I just am
I used to be thin
Oh, wait, uh, yeah, that's right
used to be thin
I used to be fat
Oh, wait, still am
I used to cry
I used to laugh
oh, wait, still do
I used to be weak
oh, wait, I don't think so
I used to be strong
Oh, wait, I still am strong
I used to be too independent
Now, I'm just "right"
Oh, wait, there's no such thing
I used to be smart
Yes, that's true, now, I'm smarter
I used to be who you thought i was
Nope, now that isn't true
I used to be me.
Oh, wait, I've always been me
fat, thin, young, old, smart, smarter