Oct 17, 2021

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has its own Twitter and LinkedIn Accounts

Starting now, Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has its own Twitter nd LinkedIn Accounts. Twitter is twitter.com/ABSR_amyreviews or @ABSR_amyreviews

It will still use the hashtag #ABSR, and reviews will be shared on this account, as well as my other updated account (it used to be @amyshan_author) and is now @amyshan_72

I had been thinking about this for awhile, and though I will use both accounts, this one will be specific to reviews, authors (and sharing their work and retweeting), and also any important announcments for Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.

I also created an account for LinkedIn, which will be specific for book reviews, and helping authors with their promotions. These accounts will also be added to the Genesis packages for more sharing.

The new LinkedIn account is: www.linkedin.com/in/amy-bookshelf-reviews

Just so you know, if you didn't before, the social media accounts for Amy's Bookshelf Reviews are:

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews: https://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/bookshelfreviews

(Bitly: https://bit.ly/3aGaoaR )

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews FB: @bookshelfreviews

Instagram: @amysbookshelfreviews

Twitter: @ABSR_amyreviews #ABSR

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVyM4_pE_TX60B-nWwz5wwQ

So, if you have one or some of those accounts too, please feel free to follow me, or "like" me. I do appreciate it, and I will be going through my author lists of those who have twitter, and will be following all of you if you have that account.

Also, if you have other accounts that I have, let me know, and if I Haven't already, I'll follow you.
