Oct 29, 2021

Flashback Fridays: Mage: The Guardian's Oath by S.A. Edwards

4 Stars

Great adventure

It's a grand adventure for freedom. Clara is the main character, and is one of those unforgettable and strong characters, but she's down to her last life. I enjoyed this magical fantasy filled with action, adventure and twists and turns. What I thought was most interesting was Clara's past and how she came to be. It's a great story and anyone who loves to delve into the magic of fantasy may enjoy this as well. I look forward to more stories from this new author.

Original Post Year: 2018

#4 #Edwards #ABSRFlashbackFriday #bookreviews

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Mage-Guardians-Oath-Nephilium-Lands-ebook/dp/B07D5Z346R/
