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This is list is to give information to authors who may be looking for something specific to help them. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has been doing research, and gathering information to put all in one place. (It is a NON-PAID list). If someone wants their information on this website, there is a "Business Bulletin Board," where they can pay $50 to put their business card on three different websites' bulletin boards.
The resource list is anything from publishing companies, literary information, updated "Literary" News"

Literary News
Publishers List
Author-first collaborative publisher is when the publisher works directly with the author, provides professional editors at no cost and holds the author’s hand throughout the entire process. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Atmosphere Press https://atmospherepress.com/
WriteLife https://writelife.com/
An author owned publisher is when an author also runs a publishing company. This publishing company will publish books from others as well as themselves. It is different from an Indie author providing a "publishing company name" when they self-publish a book themselves. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Chater Publishing https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-chater-5937318a/
Green Rhino Media LLC http://www.greenrhinomedia.com/
iDove Design http://www.idovedesign.com.au/childrensbooks.html
Insightful Creation Publication https://insightfulcp.com/
Midnight Train Publishing https://midnightrainpublishing.com/
A boutique publisher is one that is a small press and publishes a specific genre only. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Nine Star Press https://ninestarpress.com/
These books are written for schools, companies to train their staff, educational programs, and children’s books that are written to help the child learn. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Macmillan Publishers https://us.macmillan.com/
Premio Publishing & Gozo Books https://premiobooks.com/
Scholastic https://www.scholastic.com/home
Starpath Books (Starpath School of Navigation) https://www.starpath.com/publications/
Taleblade Publishing http://www.taleblade.com/
Trilogy Publishing Group https://trilogygroup.com/market-sectors/publishing/
Rapid Versatile Publisher (RVP) that combines the professionalism and quality of traditional publishing with the creative freedom of independent publishing. A hybrid publisher is one that allows authors to cover some of the costs of the books. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Chase Zion Publishing https://chasezionpublishing.com/
Dorrance Publishing http://info.dorrancepublishing.com/
Fantastic Books Publishing https://www.fantasticbooksstore.com/
Fideli Publishing Inc. http://www.fidelipublishing.com/
Mill City Press https://www.millcitypress.net/
Next Chapter https://www.nextchapter.pub/
Outskirts Press https://outskirtspress.com/
Xlibris https://www.xlibris.com/
An independent publisher is not self-publishing, it is a publishing company that provides services that are similar to traditional publishers, but they may have a more collaborative relationship with their authors. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Beacon Publishing Group https://www.beaconpublishinggroup.com/
BHC Press Books https://www.bhcpress.com/
Black Rose Publishing https://www.blackrosewriting.com/
Chronicle https://www.chroniclebooks.com/
Grove Atlantic https://groveatlantic.com/
Left Hand Publishing https://lefthandpublishers.com/
Odyssey Books https://www.odysseybooks.com.au/
Phoenix Rising https://phoenixrisingpublications.com/
Planet Productions Poetry & Press https://planetproductionsandmore.com/collections/planet-productions-products
Red Hen Press https://redhen.org/
Sea Crow Press https://seacrowpress.com/
Snowy Wings Publishing https://www.snowywingspublishing.com/
Sourcebooks https://www.sourcebooks.com/
True Beginnings Publishing https://truebeginningspublishing.weebly.com/
W.W. Norton https://wwnorton.com/
Wild Rose Press https://www.thewildrosepress.com/
Wild Wolf Publishing https://wildwolfpublishing.com/
Raven Tale Publishing https://raventalepublishing.com/
A print on demand publisher is similar to the self-publisher, but it keeps the books in an online database, and as the books are ordered, it will print them. This usually refers to actual print books (paperback, hardcover, mass market etc.). But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Author House https://www.authorhouse.com/
Blurb https://www.blurb.com/
BookBaby Bookshop (Publishes books, and has a newsletter sign up to get notified of new releases) https://store.bookbaby.com/
CinnamonTeal Publishing https://cinnamonteal.in/
Griffyn Ink https://www.griffynink.com/
IngramSpark https://www.ingramspark.com/
iUniverse https://www.iuniverse.com/
Mascot Books https://mascotbooks.com/publishing
StreetLib (Italian) https://www.streetlib.com/
XinXii (German) https://www.xinxii.com/
Self-publishing companies give the tools to authors in order for the author to do the work to create and upload a manuscript, have a cover designer, do it themselves, or hire a cover designer. Sometimes, the self-publishing is also a print on demand publisher. It allows the author to publish different formats, such as eBooks or print books. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US
Apple Books https://authors.apple.com/
Barnes and Noble Press https://press.barnesandnoble.com/
Kobo Writing Life (KWL) https://www.kobo.com/us/en/p/writinglife
PublishDrive https://publishdrive.com/
Smashwords/Draft2Digital Smashwords.com & https://www.draft2digital.com/
Small Press usually means that the publisher makes under a certain amount annually (usually $5 million). However, they have relationships with their authors, and the brands of the books and authors. Small press is different from being an "Imprint" or subsidiary of a larger, traditional publisher. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Aletha Press https://audreypress.com/aletha-press/
Algonquin Books https://www.algonquin.com/
Atria Books (Imprint of Simon and Schuster Publishing) http://www.simonandschusterpublishing.com/atria/
Audrey Press https://audreypress.com/
Bancroft Press https://bancroftpress.com/
Cajun Mutt Press https://cajunmuttpress.wordpress.com/
Caltrop Press https://caltrop-press.com/
CamCat Publishing, LLC https://camcatbooks.com/
Canopic Publishing https://www.canopicpublishing.com/
Crimson Cloak Publishing https://www.crimsoncloakpublishing.com/
Dream Big Publications http://www.dreamingbigpublications.com/
Fly On The Wall Poetry https://www.flyonthewallpress.co.uk/
Hollow Hills https://hollowhillsllc.com/
Hot Tree Publishing https://hottreepublishing.com/
Level 4 Press http://www.level4press.com/
Notion Press https://notionpress.com/ (India)
Tangled Tree Publishing (Part of Hot Tree Publishing) https://www.tangledtreepublishing.com/
A traditional publisher is a large publisher, that hardly accepts unsolicited manuscripts, and maintains relationships with agents or publicists, not the author. The traditional publisher also makes the final decision as far as manuscript, cover, editing, and some marketing. But as with all publishers, it is important that the author does marketing as well.
Abrams https://www.abramsbooks.com/
B&H Publishing https://www.bhpublishinggroup.com/
British American Publishing http://www.britishamericanpublishing.com/
Candlewick https://www.candlewick.com/
Disney Publishing Worldwide https://books.disney.com/
Dover https://store.doverpublications.com/
Encircle Publications https://encirclepub.com/
Georgia McBride Media Group https://www.georgiamcbride.com/
Hachette Book Group https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/
Harper Collins https://www.harpercollins.com/
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt https://www.hmhco.com/
Irh Press https://www.irhpress.co.jp/
John Wiley and Sons https://www.wiley.com/en-us
Kensington https://www.kensingtonbooks.com/
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group http://knopfdoubleday.com/
Langdon Street Press http://www.langdonstreetpress.com/
Literary Wanderlust https://www.literarywanderlust.com/
Minotaur Books https://us.macmillan.com/minotaurbooks/
Month 9 Books (part of Georgia McBride Media Group) https://www.month9books.com/
Penguin Books https://www.penguin.com/
Penguin Random House https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/
Scribner https://www.simonandschusterpublishing.com/scribner/
Simon and Schuster https://www.simonandschuster.com/
Thunder Creek Press https://www.thundercreekpress.com/
Touch Point Press https://touchpointpress.com/
Tyndale House https://www.tyndale.com/
Union Square https://www.unionsquareandco.com/
WildBlue Press https://wildbluepress.com/
Workman https://www.workman.com/
Other Resources
Author Resources
Book Distributors (Free or Giveaways)
Prolific Works (formerly Instafreebie)