Authors: I am adding a new category and distinction to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I am recognizing NEW authors. I recently came up with the idea to give new authors (and when I refer to NEW authors, I mean a first-time published author) a distinction and priority on the PRIMARY BOOKSHELF. If your book is still on my PRIMARY LIST (as part of "The Pitch", please inform
me if that is your first book as well, so when I get to your work, I can add the recognition).
What I am looking for from authors that I have already reviewed for is to let me know, via email at with the word "NEW" in the subject line, that that book I first reviewed for you was in fact your DEBUT novel/story etc... I'd like to do a retroactive recognition of your work.
There is a new "New Authors" pages in my Features Section of my Blog. I'll begin adding to it as I get some responses or when I review a new author's piece.
This recognition for new authors (in the future) will be done at the time the review has been posted.
As always, I verify information.
Thank you.