Authors, soon I will be starting what I'm referring to as Flashback Fridays. Every Friday, starting July 6th, I'll be posting at least ONE (maybe more) FLASHBACK Review. What is a Flashback Review? A review that I wrote about someone's book, from a past year. (Since it's 2018, it would be a review posted in a year between 2014-2017). All flashback reviews will have the graphic, as shown here.
One thing as authors, we focus on our current book or upcoming release, but we don't always market our "old" books as we should. So, this will allow one of those past books to come into light.
Now, the flashback reviews will ONLY reappear on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, but the cover (as always) will link to the buy link, and it will also be shared on Twitter, Google Plus, and Facebook (Amy's Bookshelf Reviews).
It will be #ABSR along with #flashbackreviews on each share.
I'll be randomly choosing the reviews that I will be sharing, but if you want an "extra plug" for yours, send me a note (email at along with the title of the book (and the year, if you can remember it, if you can't, I still have those records). And I'll schedule it's post. I'm not sure how long I will run this, but we'll see what happens.