Hello, authors. And this hello goes out to everyone, but this note affects those who have book titles on my list to be reviewed.
This will not affect any release date reviews or blog tours scheduled this week.
I am moving this week, and no reviews will be posted unless they are scheduled. I will start posting reviews again next Monday.
Also, everyone still has the option to move their title to a new bookshelf, and if you choose the VIP-Immediate bookshelf (three posting days), I will get those reviews posted. The other shelves and titles on those shelves will start being posted next Monday.
Also, if you have my address for sending print books, and I know there are several who like to send me autographed books for me, send me a note, and I'll provide the new mailing address.
Nothing else will change, and yes, I will still be reading books this week.
Thank you and I apologize for any inconvenience.
