2019 is at its end, and it has been a very busy year. As you may know, I am the one and only reviewer on my blog, and I have done my best to keep up with the long lines of requests. I must say that I accept about 98% of the requests that are made, and these are those that request the proper way, give proper information, and the book is "publish-ready."
In 2019, there was a change in the waiting list, which is now lovingly called "The Stand By List" and currently, that list is not needed at this time. All approved new requests will go to the Primary Bookshelf, where I have added a fourth shelf.
Another change, is that I offer authors the chance to make a donation and "choose" which list they wish to be on, which determines the order of the book reviews. The option can be to move to the bottom of the top shelf of the Primary list, move to the end of the Standard VIP List, or move to the Priority VIP list (donation amounts vary, see requests page for more details and policy updates).
Also, for those authors who "miss" the change to be on the Quick Response Calendar (reviews for releasing books) can choose two express options with a donation of either 40 dollars or 50 dollars, depending if the request is at least 14 days or at least 7 days from the release date of the book. (See requests page for more details). Quick Response requests for new authors are normally at least 60 days from the release date, and "repeat" authors requests are at least 40 days in advance.
I have a Top Ten Books of each year, that I add to during the year, and the final Top Ten books of 2019 (this blog) are:
Foul Play Is Not Suspected by S. Murphy
Fruit Woman by K. Rigby
The Vampires Of Greenwich Village by A. Lewis
Fearless Men, But Few by K. Breakey
Meryl Streep On the Couch by A. Bond
The Disappearance of Robin Murat by G. Darnell
Were We Awake by L. Brown
Development by P. Backalenick
Legacy of Fear by A. McCarthy
Ensnare by L. Moyes
I also have a Top Twenty Authors of the year that I add to throughout the year, and the final top twenty authors of 2019 (of this blog):
Kate Rigby
Matthew C. Woodruff
Arjay Lewis
K.M. Breakey
Gerald Darnell
Kate Mahoney-Veitch
Paul Backalenick
Leah Moyes
Wes Markin
T.K. Falco
TL Clark
Abdiel LeRoy
P. S. Nicholls
John A. Autero
Michelle Holland
JW Robitaille
John Heldt
Philip Nork
Arshad Ahsanuddin
Valeria Lopes
Each author can request a banner to use promoting them to use for their own website. Banner colors change from year to year.
I've added another feature to my blog, "Featured Book of the Month" which is a randomly selected (it's very technical) book from the previous month, will be featured on this page: http://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/bookshelfreviews/featured-bom
Policy Updates: Visitors can now download a copy of the request and review policies in a PDF document, which is updated as the policies get updated. Visitors can also download an Amy's Bookshelf Reviews bookmark, just download, open, print on your favorite paper, and then cut around the border.
Donations can be made for many different reasons, and a donation does NOT buy a review. Donations of 20 to 29.99 will receive a link to download a free book, "Unwritten Life", and donations of 30 or more dollars (US) will receive a link to download a free copy of my "duo" Profilers, which is Prowl and its sequel Preyfiler.
Final Tally for 2019
The final tally for POSTED reviews for 2019 is 373. In 2019, there were 19 3-Star Reviews, 213 4-Star Reviews, and 140 5-Star Reviews.
For all authors that had a release in 2019, congratulations. For any author who will have a release in 2020, get your requests in now for release reviews (Quick Response Reviews). New and repeat authors accepted, as well as any author representative.
Happy New Year, and a warm welcome (or cold, depending on where you live), to 2020.
