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Amy's Bookshelf Reviews: Year in Review


2020 is at its end, and it has been a very busy year. It's not only a busy year, but a year that many of us will never forget. In March, we were forced into a pandemic and new "normal" which kept changing. What I did find in 2020, is that many used the lock downs not only to hoard toliet paper, masks and hand sanitizer, but also many became very creative, and writers, well, they wrote more.

As you may know, I am the one and only reviewer on my blog, and I have done my best to keep up with the long lines of requests. I must say that I accept about 99% of the requests that are made, and these are those that request the proper way, give proper information, and the book is "publish-ready." I also was diagnosed at the beginning of the year with Essential Tremor disorder, which affected me and my daily migraines to be more debilitating, as I couldn't write (hand write or type) well, preventing me from writing.

With that new disorder, I also became creative (with the help of my sons) on how to live and do daily tasks (including telling stories) in a different way. I released my final stand-alone book on December 2, (Unlawful Identity) and am deciding where to go from here as far as writing. Our podcast, The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon has a growing audience, and we have revised our format, and hope to continue to grow and give (and receive) advice from expert writers.

I have added ways for authors, repeat and new, to move their title to a different shelf, added Express Release options, up until the day of the release, added a new VIP IMMEDIATE shelf, and still have the primary shelf, VIP Standard shelves, as well as the two priority shelves. It is my mission to continue to support Indie Authors with my reviews, and I will get to every book on my list, no matter how long it takes.

I have a Top Ten Books of 2020 that I add to during the year, and the final Top Ten books of (this blog) are The Scarlet Queen: A Gripping Epic Fantasy by M. Reinhardt, Save Me Twice by E. Dustin, The Horde: Chronicles of the Order by J. Michaels, Flying with Dad by Y. Caputo, Haunted: A Paranormal Awakening by J. Coons, Scarred by D. Linnane, THE ENIGMA OF TED BUNDY: The Questions and Controversies Surrounding America’s Most Infamous Serial Killer by K. Sullivan, Two Murders Too Many by B. Matthey, Destiny Returns by D. Volk, The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance by L. Love.

I also have a Top Twenty Authors of 2020 that I add to throughout the year, and the final top twenty authors (of this blog): Mitch Reinhardt​, E A Dustin​, JB Michaels​, Yvonne Caputo​, Julie Coons​, Damien Linnane​, Bluette Matthey​, Douglas Volk​, Lali A. Love​, D.K. Greene, Kate Rigby​, Ted Tayler, TL Travis​, RaShell Lashbrook​, JW Robitaille​, John Heldt​, Gerald Darnell​, Joann Keder, Michelle Holland, and Chantelle Atkins​/

Each author can request a banner to use promoting them to use for their own website. Banner colors change from year to year.

"Featured Book of the Month" remains on my blog, updated every month, which is a randomly selected (it's very technical) book from the previous month, will be featured on this page:

Policy Updates: Visitors can download a copy of the request and review policies in a PDF document, which is updated as the policies get updated. Visitors can also download an Amy's Bookshelf Reviews bookmark, just download, open, print on your favorite paper, and then cut around the border.

There are two new features to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. One is the addition of "Enchanting Children's Authors," which will list authors of children, middle grade, and young adult books. (A Banner is also given. Another feature is the ability to request for a small donation, to have all your titles be reviewed consecutively, instead of the next title moving to the bottom of the shelf.

Donations can be made for many different reasons, and a donation does NOT buy a review. Donations of 20 to 29.99 will receive a link to download a free book, "Unwritten Life", and donations of 30 or more dollars (US) will receive a link to download a free copy of my "duo" Profilers, which is Prowl and its sequel Preyfiler.

Donations do help me keep this blog running, and allow me to provide more for the authors I review for.

Final Tally for 2020

The final tally for POSTED reviews for 2020 is 245. In 2020, there were 7 3-Star Reviews, 126 4-Star Reviews, and 1125-Star Reviews.

For all authors that had a release in 2020, congratulations. For any author who will have a release in 2021 get your requests in now for release reviews (Quick Response Reviews). New and repeat authors accepted, as well as any author representative.

To date, I have reviewed over 1914 for 1267 authors.

Happy New Year, and a warm welcome (or cold, depending on where you live), to 2021 and my our continually changing "new" normal eventually get to be a stable normalcy of our lives. This is my seventh year of reviews, and I don't plan on stopping at any time soon. If you write, write. If you want to write, do it. If you write it, I'll read it, if you let me.


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