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Authors, new and experienced!


As you may or may not know, I own Genesis Literary Promotions and am a co-host of the podcast The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon. The podcast is heading into its 11th chapter (season) and is scheduled up to at least the 13th chapter.

There are many benefits from being on The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon, such as exposure globally to our growing audience. There is a $30 fee, but the benefits outweigh the cost. We only charge until we can get a sponsor for the show, and we have more growing to do. (Sponsors should be either in the Literary field or sell products that a writer would want, even coffee or wine.)

The Literary Dynamic Duo educates and assists authors of all levels of experience. The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon is a podcast platform created to help authors promote themselves and their work. The mission of the Literary dynamic duo is to educate and assist authors, no matter their experience. The hosts will provide writing tips, and expert advice from the hosts, and other guests. Guests will include authors, writers, editors, publishers, and many more from those within the literary world. The After Show wants to help people share their stories with the world.

If you go to the link you can read all about what we do, and sign up for the show if you wish to go ahead and do that.

You can even listen to past shows at and if you want to see how we interview (which is more conversational), listen to the shows that have guests.

Anyway, as far as Genesis Literary Promotions is concerned there are some discounts available for promotion. It is still a growing company, but we do get returning authors. Our rates are fair, and you can build your own promotion, or we can do it for you. We also have a promotion that includes being on the above-mentioned podcast.

Thank you.

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews


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