Flashback Friday Reviews is coming back to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. If you don't know what Flashback Friday Reviews is about, then let me explain it to you. I will randomly select past reviews (posted between 2014 and 2019) and run them on Fridays. They are titled with the words Flashback Reviews.
Also, for authors that are interested or want one (or more) of their past reviews posted again on this blog, they can request it via email with the words "flashback review" in the subject line, and just let me know which title(s) you want reposted on the blog (and it's this blog only). The flashback request review is $5 US dollars per title, and the price will be paid after the request has been granted, and the author gets the date(s) that their review will run. (Instructions for payment and date(s) will be included in acceptance email from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. If you wish to request a specific Friday Date, you may also do that.
The flashback reviews can remind readers of your previous work. You can also use past reviews for the new feature of Video Reviews (but a separate process).
Acceptances for these requests will start Friday October 1, 2021. The First Flashback Friday Review will run October 8 at NOON EST.