I hope everyone is having a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
Here at Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, I am still steadily reading and writing reviews, while working on a few projects of my own (I also co-host the podcast The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon), and we are in the middle of our fifth season. Anyway, as I read your work, some of you are interested in reading my work. So, maybe more of you will be as well.
2021 starts my seventh year of officially taking requests and writing reviews. I am always open to new authors, experienced authors, and definitely my repeat authors. I take any genre from any author, as long as the book is "publish ready." If you haven't yet had a review, check out my requests page so that you can read my policies and request a review officially. Repeat authors just need to send me a note.
My gift to you is a free copy of my book "Smashed: A Savvy Macavoy Story," which is the first book in a two book series.
You can download the gift at https://claims.prolificworks.com/free/qVFp1uNY
