Amy Shannon and McKensie Stewart have a literary service collaboration, with different sections. The duo not only has their own podcasts, The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon and After the After Show, but they also have a new business, Get It Write, which is a writing coach service. Also, there is the literary professional promotion company, Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours.
Amy runs Amy's Bookshelf Reviews herself, by reading and reviewing author's work,

and also providing other services that will help authors promote their book. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has reviewed for over 1350 authors, and over 380 of them legacy authors. The review blog has also added video reviews for its authors, for a small cost.
The duo is all about helping writers, and helping those in the literary world promote themselves, whether it's an author, first time writer, agent, publicist, publisher, editor or whatever else comes along in that category.

The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon is a podcast that discusses everything literary, shares experiences, and interviews guests in the literary world. Sometimes there are repeat guests. Airing Friday nights at 6:30 Eastern.

After the After Show is the second podcast (7:00 PM) and it is about current trends, hot topics, and even newsworthy discussions.
Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours is a literary promotion company that does social media promotions, blog tours, and even customized promotions. Genesis specializes in promoting debut & experienced literary professionals.

The links for each company is listed below:
Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours: https://genesisbookpromos.wixsite.com/genesisbookpromos
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews: https://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/bookshelfreviews
The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon Podcast https://www.blogtalkradio.com/wetheaftershow
The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon website https://wetheaftershow.wixsite.com/home
Each one has different social media links as well. We are on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Genesis posts pins to Pinterest.