Just some reminders.
If you have a book that is or has been reviewed, and you want the audiobook reviewed as well, they are separate reviews. If the book is on a bookshelf, and the audiobook is underneath it, once the print book's review was posted, the audiobook will move over to the "Repost Review" bookshelf. If an audiobook is the only book being reviewed, it will go on an appropriate bookshelf. Audiobooks on Audible.com (even if listed on Amazon), it must be purchased in order to be listened to and reviewed. This will require either a redemption code or a donation to cover the purchase of the audiobook.
Another reminder. If you have had your book reviewed, and have gotten new social media sites, or a new website, please let me know so I can update my records. Also, now when anyone (even a Legacy Author) requests a review, they will receive a spreadsheet to fill out. I am now keeping track of publishers, editors, illustrators, narrators, publicists and even agents. I do this so I can network, and also be able to tag them in the sharing of the reviews.
If you're an author, who also has a book listed on BookSirens, NetGalley or other review organizations, let me know, so I can post my review there as well. There are some small fees ($5 per post) to share or post the review on a publisher's website, BookSirens, NetGalley, and pinterest.
As always, I post on Amazon.com (when listed), my website's blog, Barnes and Noble (when listed), Kobo (when listed), Goodreads (when listed), and BookBub (when listed). If you have a book on one of those sites, but I didn't know about it, let me know. I do check out all the links sent to me, and visit author's websites when they provide them. I sign up for newsletters, when there is a place to sign up. I do this with all authors, publishers and author representatives.
If you have a book listed on a site I mentioned, but I didn't post it there because I didn't know about it, let me know and I'll post the review(s). Also, new to the letter, at the end you'll get the amazon link, BookBub link, blog link and Goodreads link directly to the review. If the amazon review hasn't yet posted, once it does, you'll get the link from me.
Thank you.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews