I wanted to thank all of you who offered your sympathy and condolences for the loss of my grandmother, and also understood my taking the week off. I know I missed at least one release review, and I notified the author, so that will be posted on Monday.
I will be back working again starting on Monday, and will continue to work on your books and reviews, editing work I have on my desk, and of course, any promotions or marketing plans. I will also return to The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon next Friday. I missed last night's show, but am so glad that McKensie did the show herself, so it could go on, and our guests wouldn't miss their appearance.
It will not be easy for me, but I will keep moving forward as best I can. If you have held off sending me requests of any kind, you can go ahead and do it. I will be reading a lot this weekend, and I have read a lot to keep my mind occupied. Any requests via email will be fine, and I'll respond on Monday.
Again, thank you.
Amy Shannon
