The Featured Author page is no longer active, the archived page of the previous "interviewed" authors is still visible, but there won't be anymore author interviews on this page. I have moved this feature to my writer's blog. More details to come from that blog later.
Also, NEW: THIS MONTH'S RELEASES. (Starting July 1 2021) If an author has an upcoming release in the next month, and is on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews' Quick Response Calendar, for a donation of $20, the author's book and synopsis will be featured on the new page, "THIS MONTH'S RELEASES" AND be a part of the new email campaign for AMY'S BOOKSHELF REVIEWS that will run the last day of each month.
Once the author has scheduled their release on the Quick Response Calendar, they can donate 20 US dollars to be a featured New Release book on the THIS MONTH'S RELEASES, and it will also be a part of an email campaign, which runs to anyone who is subscribed to this blog.
Thank you for your patience. Feel free to subscribe to both blogs, if you haven't already, so you'll never miss an update or an email campaign about authors and their work.