Change to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews "Bookshelf"

The Quick Response Calendar has moved to not only a new page (Quick Response Calendar) but is directly connected to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews Google Calendar.
There have been some changes, so any express or quick response (release date) that has been entered on the calendar will be shown on the website's new calendar. This is not just for release date reviews, I've also moved the blog tour review information to the calendar, as well as the reviews needed to prepare for my podcast, The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon.
One more change that will be in effect, is that there is now a "This Month's Releases" page . All releases for the current month will be listed, title and author name. However, if you want your release to "stand out", for a $20 donation, your book cover and synopsis, can also be added to this page. As releases are added or changed, I will keep this and the calendar updated.
Thank you.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews